Few Reasons to watch Chini Odia Sambalpuri Film

Few Reasons to watch Chini Odia Sambalpuri Film are here for you to decide weather to watch it in theatres or skip. How often do you come across a movie that touches vivid aspects of life in the most compellingly beautiful manner?
‘Chini’ is one such movie that will take you on an emotional roller coaster ride and will leave you with moist eyes. The movie manages to capture the many deep-rooted aspects of the life of an individual in a family.The movie is a life-altering experience in its own way. Everyone who claims to be a movie buff or a cinema lover should definitely watch this one.
A high-octane emotional drama which won’t allow you to even get up for the popcorn!
Few Reasons to watch Chini Odia Sambalpuri Film
> Chini is the 1st commercial Sambalpuri Film. The film is released in both Odia & Sambalpuri language today.
> There are not enough words to explain how beautifully the movie is made. Director Pradeep Kumar Bhol makes sure he had portrayed all the characters in the film at their best.
> The movie is strong, straight up the storyline and it justifies the title brilliantly. The movie is about the overwhelming emotional journey of a family in the quest of finding happiness. The movie is indeed a cocktail of emotions and will make your head spin with scenes high on emotions. But this doesn’t mean it’ll give a hangover; rather it will leave you refreshed when you leave the theatre.
> You aren’t allowed to doubt the casts acting skill. The film is one of the best performance of casts in recent times. The film features Mihir Das, Maheswata Ray, Amlan Das, Patrali, Pruthiraj, Ashrumochan, Braja, Banku, Smita, Pravati & others.
> The songs of the film are composed by Shankar Pradhan & Hemant Pandey. The lyrics of the film are penned by legendary poet Padmashree Haladhar Nag, Lal Ratnakara Singh, Binod Pasayat, Durga Madhav Panda. Renowned Bollywood singer Asha Bhosle has sung for the film. Apart from Asha Bhosle, singers like Tapu Mishra, Bishnu Mohan Kabi, Sujata Parida, Madhav Dash, Jogomaya & others.
> The most famous & experienced editor of Ollywood Rabi Shankar Pattnaik had worked as the editor of the film.
> More than 500 artists have participated in the song Ki hele Je chana Chana song of the film. Nuakhai song is another song where a huge number of artists have participated and this is probably the 1st of its kind in Ollywood.
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