Darkness…Even At Noon rocking Allover

There are dreamers and there are realists in this world.
Aditya Acharya, with “Darkness…Even At Noon”, has made his dream of being an author a reality.
With the book picking up speed in the popularity market here, Aditya, a mechanical engineering student at ITER has already started his second novel. With the publishing of “DEAN” (Darkness Even At Noon), readers all over Odisha are expecting the unusual, catchy and very touchy story lines of Aditya. In DEAN we have seen the power of Aditya as a captivating and motivating storyteller. He is different and has ventured into the roads generally not taken by authors around the country.
When the youth of our nation is busy crying on sentimental college love story books all around, Aditya decided to take up the risk and show them what they should see…and read…about the most valuable and precious jewel of everyone’s life….that is FRIENDSHIP…and how the crime world can bring out the best in you to stand up for your friend…..or back stab him….
The novel basically speaks about friendship….up to what extent you can go for your friend… now the market is full of love stories….This book is not only about love …it’s about friendship , the murky world of crime, thrill, suspense…… Friendship, which is the most prized jewel of life, is the core theme of the book.
From where can you get Your Copy ? :
The Novel is now available online in the Following websites.Click on the Link below to Purchase the Novel “Darkness……Even at Noon” online.