15 beautiful pictures of Cuttack Durga Puja

About Cuttack Durga Puja : Durga Puja or Dussehera is one of the biggest festival of Odisha . The festival is celebrated in great pump and show in different cities of the state . The festival is celebrated in a grand way in twin city of Odisha i.e Cuttack – Bhubaneswar .Durga Puja, the most happening festival of the KATKIS can be sensed with its spurt of fanfare on all the four days of the Durga Puja festival.
This autumnal festival popularly known as Dussehera, recalls the power of female Shakti symbolized by the Goddess Durga who slays asura to re-establish peace and sanctity on earth again. During these days of Durga Puja KATKIS rejoice to their heart’s content reconnecting with friends and relatives. Durga Puja is an occasion when the familiar sound of Ghanta,Sambalpuri Baja,reknowned bands gives a familiar tug to every KATKI’S heart. The road vendors started selling baloons other cute stuffs for the kids . The eve with great joy .Ghanta,baja and band troops are being booked for a couple of months before the celebration.
Ranihat Chandi medha
Sikharpur – Gandarpur – Mahanadi Vihar Gate
Newly Made Mangalabagh Chandi Medha
Light Gate at Seikh Bazar features Bahubali
Lord Jagannath , Lord Balabhadra & Goddess Subhadra Idols as part of decoration at Tinigharia , Cuttack
Cuttack Style Mahadev Medha at Nayak Sahi , Buxi Bazaar – Cuttack
Statues telling the story of Sita Chori at Banka Bazaar , Cuttack
The First & only “Kalia Dalana Idol” with Chandi Medha at Pithapur , Cuttack
The Amazing Welcome Gate at Badambadi , Cuttack
The Newly designed Chandi Medha withe touch of Lord Jagannath Culture at Khatbin Sahi , Cuttack
A Person entertaining the crowd as duplicate of Self proclaimed Baba Sarathi during immersion procession
Goddess Durga Idol of Samanta Sahi during the immersion procession .
This dance form explains the great incredible culture of Odisha at the immersion procession
Goddess Durga Idola with Silver Medha & Gold Crown of Chauliagunj , Cuttack
The Tallest Idol in the millennium city of Mata Matha during procession 2015