Ganesh Puja 2011 and OdiaLive

Wishing you & family a very Happy Ganesh Puja in advance,unlike last year OdiaLive will bring you the oppurtunity to have darshan of Lord Ganesh from different Puja Mandaps from different cities of Odisha. Last year i.e 2011 OdiaLive Team in OdiaLive blog brought to you the Gallery of Ganesh Puja of Cuttack,which is one of the famous destination for the festive . Like Dussehera “The Silver city” is also famous for it’s unique way of celebrating the festival Ganesh Puja every year.
This Ganesh Puja with ODIALIVE web portal & Odisha’s 1st complete Image Portal,we have the opportunity for you to share the Image of Ganesh Puja celebration of your locality .
So we will be waiting for your email . Kindly Inbox your Pictures with –
Your name_________________
Name of the Club____________
City _____________________
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