Complete Schedule of Ratha Jatra 2019 in Puri

Just a month after Cyclone FANI that destroyed Jagannath Dham Puri, the pilgrim city is gearing up for the world famous Ratha Jatra of Lord Jagannath.
The biggest festival will be held on July 4. Here we have the complete schedule for our readers. As per the schedule, the Ratha Jatra or Gundicha Jatra will be held on July 4 and Bahuda Jatra on July 12 i.e nine days after Gundicha Jatra. The Sunabesha of Lord Jagannath, Lord Balabhadra and Devi Subhadra will be conducted on July 13. The pahandi of deities during Niladri Bije will be completed by 4.00 pm on July 15.
The Chhattisa Nijog meeting chaired by Shree Jagannath Temple Administration (SJTA) Chief Administrator Pradipta Kumar Mohapatra approved the schedules and rituals for the Debasnana Purnima, Ratha Jatra, Bahuda Jatra, Sunabesha and Niladri Bije yesterday.
According to the schedule of Debasnana Purnima which will be held on July 17, when the Lords will have a holy shower in public outside sanctum sanatorium, the pahandi rituals of the deities will be held from 4.00 am till 6.30 am. The Gaja Besha will be held at 4.00 pm and the bahuda pahandi rituals will be conducted at 10.30 pm.
The servitors engaged in Gaja Besha or Hati Besha of deities will be awarded if they conduct the rituals flawlessly, Mohapatra said while briefing the media after Chhattisa Nijog meeting on Sunday.
On the day of Rath Yatra, the pahandi of deities will be held at 9.00 am on Ratha Jatra on July 4. The chhera pahanra rituals by Gajapati King will be conducted between 2.00 pm and 3.00 pm and the chariot pulling will begin at 4.00 pm.
The special rituals will be held for a series of upcoming festivals such as Rajendrabhisek scheduled on June 12, Rukmini Ekadashi on June 13, Champak Dwadashi on June 14, Chakabije on June 28, Khalilagi Ekadashi on June 29, Rajaprasadbije on June 30, Ghanalagi and Banaklagi on July 1, Nabajauban Darshan and Netrautsav on July 2, Ratha Agyanmalabije on July 3, Herapanchami on July 8, Ratha Dakshinmoda on July 9, Sandhya Darshan on July 11 and Bahuda Jatra on July 12. The pahandi of the deities will be held between 12.00 pm and 2.00 pm on Bahuda Jatra and the chariots will be pulled at 4.00 pm.
The SJTA chief appealed to the servitors for the smooth conduct of rituals of deities during this period right from Debasnana Purnima till Niladri Bije. He also said that action will be taken against the servitors for violating the system and rituals during Ratha Jatra.
On of the lunar eclipse day, the rituals for the Lord will be suspended after Madhyana Dhupa (rituals during noon) on July 16. However, the daily rituals of the Lords will be held 8 hours before the eclipse, informed Mohapatra.
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